Mom goes to great lengths to show her daughter, born with a rare birthmark on her face, that she is beautiful

Each of us is unique and special, in our own way, and it is this uniqueness that makes us different. Appreciating diversity from an early age therefore means growing up in harmony with everyone and being proud of one's uniqueness. That's what Nicole Hall is trying to convey to her little girl, Winry, a thirteen month old baby born with a very large birthmark on her face. As soon as she was born, Nicole and her husband thought it was a rash, but then they realized the truth: it was an extremely rare, dark, colored birthmark. Although it is a skin malformation that can cause cancer, the mother is currently more concerned that her daughter will be bullied as she grows up.
Little Winry has a large dark brown birthmark on her face, which clearly sets her apart from most other babies. What this is is known as congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN), which is a skin malformation that appears in the form of a dark "spot" at birth and which, based on its size, may have an unpleasant appearance from an aesthetic point of view. Of course, it is not just a question of aesthetics: Winry's parents must take her frequently to the dermatologist and be very careful in protecting her from the sun's rays, with creams and hats. All these precautions are needed even more with Winry, as she is more likely to develop skin cancer in her condition than others are.
The mother, however, is currently more concerned that the child may encounter social difficulties as soon as she gets a little older. At the moment, Winry is a very happy and very active child, and who is no different from any other child. As she grows up, however, the aesthetic differences with other children will become more and more obvious and the mother does not want her daughter to feel alienated.
That's why Nicole has an Instagram account where she shares photos of her family and daughter Winry - to spread some awareness and sensitivity for a condition that probably not many people will have seen in their life. "For many people, this is the first time they will have seen a birthmark like Winry's and that's part of the reason I like to share this knowledge," explained Nicole, adding, "This is a good starting point for parents and their children to have a dialogue on the differences between children, or for those parents who have a child who looks like Winry or has any kind of desire to see their child relating to others in the same situation".
Our best wishes to this beautiful little girl!