She is 11 years old and recently lost her father: a football player decides to accompany her to the father-daughter dance

by Mark Bennett

March 13, 2022

She is 11 years old and recently lost her father: a football player decides to accompany her to the father-daughter dance

Life is full of pitfalls as well as beautiful discoveries and exciting moments and, unfortunately, you have to be able to face anything at any time. Coping with the loss of a parent is not easy for anyone, let alone an 11-year-old girl. Audrey Soape has had a really terrible year, as she has lost her father and her grandfather in this time period. We can only imagine the trauma that this young girl has had to face in such an impressionable moment of her life. Her mother, Holly, decided to cheer her up a little on a school day which was dedicated to the father-daughter dance - an event that Audrey would have felt very uncomfortable at or could not have attended - by contacting a famous american football player. Surprisingly, the pro player accepted Audry's mother's request for him to escort Audrey to the dance.

Anthony Harris is a professional football player, part of the Eagles football team, and is Audrey's favorite player. For this reason, her mother tried the impossible for the day of the "father-daughter" dance at school: her mother tried to contact Harris and proposed a surprise for Audrey for that very special day. Holly, Audrey's mom, was hoping for a positive response, but she knew the chances of this actually happening were very low. She certainly didn't expect Harris to accept the offer right away! But once Harris learned of the situation and how Audrey had lost her father recently, the player not only offered to accompany the child to the dance, but also to pay for her dress, make-up and the hairdresser.


"I was so anxious and excited for her because she had just had the most terrible year of all time," said Audrey's mother, adding how perfectly successful the surprise was: "She felt like a princess all night. Harris was so kind and sweet, and made the whole night so special for her. "

Harris said he felt moved to do something generous and something that was supportive of Audrey and her family at such a difficult time. So, here he has taken off the boots of the professional football player and dressed up to be able an escort for his number one fan at the dance. And this was a gesture that users applauded with lots of supportive comments.

Audrey was initially flustered and embarrassed because she didn't know what to say or do, but Harris broke the ice and then the rest came naturally. The young girl had a lot of fun and, for one evening, she felt like a princess who was able to dance with her sports idol. Harris proved to be a champion not only on the field, but off the field as well!
