Woman buys a fake pregnant tummy and wears it every month: "I want to satisfy my desire for motherhood"

by Mark Bennett

March 04, 2022

Woman buys a fake pregnant tummy and wears it every month: "I want to satisfy my desire for motherhood"

It is not absolute that a woman, when she reaches adulthood, must necessarily feel the maternal instinct inside her. Some have it, and make it a reality by giving birth to a child as soon as circumstances in life allow for it; others instead, would like to become mothers but perhaps for some reason - pathological or physiological - cannot; and then there are women who would like to become mothers but do not feel that they are ready yet. Then, there is a 22-year-old girl named Sophie Mosca who is quickly becoming known the world over thanks to, or because of, her strange decision...

via sophmosca/TikTok



Using her TikTok channel, Sophie Mosca posted about how she is coping with her desire for motherhood at the age of 22. As she explained repeatedly, the young woman still does not feel ready to have a baby by herself, or to start a family and face all the challenges and difficulties of nine months of pregnancy. However, this does not mean she does not want to become a mother of a boy or girl one day. But instead of trying the real thing, Sophie has come up with a unique way of experiencing pregnancy and, in a sense, training for the day when she might get pregnant.

Sophie's story quickly made the rounds on the web garnering both support and strong criticism. What she showed on her TikTok profile was that she bought a fake silicone pregnant belly for the price of £ 147 pounds, and she wears it once a month to really feel what it's like to go through nine long months of pregnancy.



This is certainly a very strange, but at the same time decidedly formative, experience that convinced Sophie Mosca of what she had always firmly believed - namely, that at her age (22 years old) she was still far too unprepared for such an event. Her desire to bcome a mother was perfectly normal, but at the same time it was just as normal to give wait for the right time and that things would arrive when destiny had prepared her for it. Wearing a fake baby belly is certainly not a standard procedure to test out what it means to live with this type of physical "burden" for nine months (in fact, a pregnant woman's belly starts to feel bulky only after the 6th or 7th month), but it was useful to Sophie to satisfy her curiosity and better understand her true desire for motherhood.



Many users on TikTok have harshly criticized Sophie for her bizarre choice, while others have applauded and supported her; after all, a fake silicone baby tummy has never hurt anyone and certainly does not detract from the experience of biological motherhood of other women.

The curious testimony of Sophie Mosca reminds us that motherhood is a personal choice and that it should not be judged by others.
