She doesn't shave her legs for a few months and her boyfriend leaves her: "You're disgusting"

Maintaining personal hygiene is one of the few topics on which we can all agree, as it is the foundation of our appearance and also of our health. Washing thoroughly every day is a "job" that, for better or worse, we all do every single day without complaining - yet there are many people who most likely have a distorted or different idea from ours as to what personal hygiene is. For example, do you think that a woman who deliberately decides not to shave her leg hair is a matter of bad hygiene or a simple personal choice? Opinion is generally divided on this matter.
via The Sun UK

For this reason today, we want to tell you the bizarre story of a boy and his girlfriend who, thanks to the video of the latter on her TikTok profile, caused a lot of chatter on the web - and for a very simple and strange reason. It turns out that the girl in question has chosen over the past few months not to shave her legs, thus letting her leg hair grow freely. For this reason, shortly before Christmas, the girl decided to send a photograph of her unshaved legs to her partner, who in response, however, branded the image as "disgusting" and "unhygienic for a woman".
The young woman was amazed and stunned by her boyfriend's reaction, since she was convinced that her aesthetic choice has nothing to do with her personal hygiene. For this reason, the girl told her story on TikTok, also posting the images of her unshaved legs to the web so that users could have their say. She added that after a long arugument with her boyfriend, the latter decided to end his romantic relationship with her, explaining that his attraction to her had waned after sending him the hairly leg photos.

Betssssy/Wikimedia - Not The Actual Photo
In fact, TikTok users and followers have a generally split opinion about this story: many distanced themselves from the boy's cruel and brutal response and pointed out that, in the end, the woman that in the end the girl will be better off without her ex; others instead took to the boy's defense, citing how much appearance and aesthetic choices have a decided weight in a girl of a certain age.
You, on the other hand - what thoughts do you have about this whole bizarre story? Whose side are you on?