American students do not know that pasta is cooked in boiling water

What are the most famous dishes and foods in the world - those that despite everything, the whole planet eats frequently or which one has tasted at least once in one's life? No doubt many would answer pizza or pasta - both delicious dishes that originate in Italy and which over the centuries have become not only a symbol of national pride for Italy, but also invaluable food staple assets for humanity. Everyone loves a good pizza or a tasty plate of pasta, but it is not clear that, outside Italy, everyone knows how to prepare these dishes or cook them properly...
via La Nazione

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The three American students were shocked but in the end they tried to justify themselves with these words: "We put the pasta on the stove without any water in the pot - we thought pasta was cooked like this. We didn't know that it was neccessary to put water in the pot first."
The firefighters who put out the flames in the kitchen and the local police officers who attended the emergency were unable to respond to the students' weak attempt to justify what they had done with anything other than with barely hidden embarrassment for the would-be-pasta-chefs.
Do you think we take too much for granted and that some things that we consider to be common knowledge absolutely not for some people? Or should we always be open to to the possibility of being amazed by finding out just how little some people know?