This girl saved £166 ($227) thanks to a tube of candies

Saving is an activity that requires a little planning, and in addition, a desire to limit the purchases of excesses. We are constantly encouraged by advertisements to try out new products, both when we go to the grocery store and when we go to the shops in general. We are constantly tempted to buy much more than is necessary. It is no coincidence, then, that we are always looking for new tips, tricks and ideas to save as much money as possible. A girl posted on TikTok her method to save up some extra money. All you need, according to her, is a tube of "Smarties" candies... the rest follows by itself automatically!

Do you know how many coins can go into a Smarties tube? To be exact, it is 83 £2 coins! The girl who revealed her personal savings trick on TikTok managed to save a whopping £166 pounds over the course of a year. The girl is from the UK so she found the perfect candy tube size for her two pound coins. In any case, this is a trick that can be repeated in any other country that has coins of equivalent value and size. And, of course, you will need a candy tube large enough to hold them!

"Smarties" candies are famous all over the world and and have always had many fans: after all, how can you refuse the sweetness of the Smarties chocolate? This is precisely the strong point of this saving tactic and users who have seen the video of "chantelleef" have shared its genius with others: "So we have to spend our money on Smarties first? It seems like a perfect plan."

It is true that a piggy bank is perhaps sufficient to set aside a few coins, like the change from of some purchase. But seeing the candy tube slowly fill up not only gives one great satisfaction, but also allows one to know how much money has been saved.
What do you think about this savings trick? Are you already going to buy a tube of Smarties, or do you prefer the other "more classic" saving methods? Write to us in the comments and tell us what you think!