Boyfriend's name excluded from house deed of sale, so he ignores her for 3 days

by Mark Bennett

January 05, 2022

Boyfriend's name excluded from house deed of sale, so he ignores her for 3 days

Buying a house is certainly not a walk in the park, but if family issues are added to the stress associated with a property purchase, then the experience can turn into a real nightmare. A 22-year-old woman raised the "mortgage issue" with her partner - a partner with whom she had been going out with for 4 years and living with for 2 years. The woman, who has a very well-paid job, wanted to buy a house and to be able to settle in a place "all her own". But perhaps things had not been made clear from the start, as the woman's partner expected to see his name on the deed of sale as well. The girl reached out to the Reddit community for advice, explaining the overall situation and context in detail.

via Reddit

Wikimedia / not the actual photo

Wikimedia / not the actual photo

The young woman explained in detail the context within which her decision to buy a house had taken place: "My boyfriend (25 years old) and I have been together for about 4 years. We started living together 2 years ago in an apartment and it was fantastic! I recently got a new job and I now earn about $ 80,000 a year, which is why I would like us to leave this apartment and move into our own home. "

Apparently, however, the boy does not have the same dedication to work as she does. This is evident in that he has changed jobs 8 times in the space of 4 years - and always opting for jobs with very low salaries. Unlike his partner, he has no savings and lives from day-to-day on the salary he gets. Before thinking about buying a house, the two shared their rent equally. Other expenses were managed in this manner: he paid his own bills and expenses - such as the costs related to the car; she took care of everything else - WiFi, food, water, electricity and all other consumables. She always paid more because objectively, she earned more. This reality of their partnership never upset the young woman.

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

In their search for a new home, the two searched for houses with prices that would allow the woman's salary to cover all the living and property management expenses by herself. Her partner would use his earnings as extra money to be put aside for the couple. The only expense sharing that would have remained unchanged would have been the mortgage payment to be split equally. And, as the young woman pointed out: "It would cost less than the rent we pay currently".

The real trauma for the young man was when the two actually found the "house of their dreams" and he realized that his girlfriend was going to put the property in her name only. On learning this, the young man refused to speak to his partner for 3 whole days - he was convinced that they were looking for a home for both of them. The girl tried to explain to him that they would live together and that they would share the expenses such that she would continue to pay more than him. She explained he would only have to pay for his share of the mortgage and this amount would be less than the rent he was currently paying. The woman does not want to put her partner's name on the deed of sale since they are not yet married and getting married has not even been discussed. Additionally, the young woman explained that for her partner, the proposal would be like him paying a (lower) rent. Once married, any agreements will change. And we can understand the woman's decision given that it was influenced by her own family history: her parents, in fact, divorced precisely because of money issues.

What do you think? Was this young woman right to exclude her partner from this important investment? Send us your opinion in the comments!
