He walks to a job interview in the snow: a man sees him and offers him a job

by Alison Forde

December 06, 2021

He walks to a job interview in the snow: a man sees him and offers him a job

Sometimes, life is capable of giving us moments of great emotion, seemingly arbitrary incidents that have the ability to change our lives forever, for the better. In these very fortuitous situations, in the end one of the most important things is always the big heart actions of a generous person, who doesn't think twice before reaching out to someone else who is in difficulty. As happened with Art Bouvier, a restaurant owner in the state of Indiana who forever changed the life of a guy in need ...

via Daily Mail UK

Teles/Wikimedia - Not The Actual Photo

Teles/Wikimedia - Not The Actual Photo

Art Bouvier runs a very popular restaurant in the U.S. state of Indiana, and he knows very well that in that geographic area, winters can be very cold but above all very, very snowy. In fact, in one of these glacial days when the streets were completely covered with a blanket of snow, the man saw a guy walking towards him and asking him for directions. Art had told him that he was a long way off on foot and that it was better to take a bus. The boy, in response, thanked him for the directions and continued on foot on the snowy and icy road.

After a few minutes, Art again saw the boy continuing on his way, so he decided to give him a lift and figure out where he was going in all that bad weather ...

Pixnio/Not The Actual Photo

Pixnio/Not The Actual Photo

After speaking with him for a while, Art discovered that the troubled young man was named Jhaquiel and was heading for a job interview: "Jhaquiel was walking on foot with the snow falling all around him, to a job interview for a potential (but not guaranteed) minimum wage job. He was travelling on foot, because he couldn't afford to pay for a bus ticket. He had actually planned his time well and the interview was still two hours away. I asked him if he had eaten and told me no, so I gave him some money to buy his lunch. He still didn't know it, but I was going to help him out and hire him in my restaurant!"

When the poor guy learned of this extraordinary act of kindness, he could only be grateful for life to Art Bouvier, a kind man who didn't think twice and offered him a real paid job, with no catch. Now Jhaquiel works on a permanent basis in Art's restaurant, happy that he has not only found a job, but also a trusted friend.

These are the happy stories we love to hear and read!
