He's about to turn off the machine that keeps his wife alive in a coma but she whispers to him: "I'm a fighter"

by Alison Forde

November 15, 2021

He's about to turn off the machine that keeps his wife alive in a coma but she whispers to him: "I'm a fighter"

One of the biggest traumas a family can face is when a wife and mother suddenly falls ill, is hospitalized, intubated, placed into a drug-induced coma and has no hope of recovering, according to doctors. The enormous grief caused for a life that will, quite suddenly, no longer be able to continue, a huge void that will be left in the hearts of each of the members of her family and in the people who have known her. Yet in this world, miracles also exist ...

via Mirror UK

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp/Facebook

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp/Facebook

Get to know the Pellettiere-Swapp family, who some time ago found themselves facing a truly enormous trauma: Lyndee, mother and wife, was 45 years old when she suddenly fell ill, was transferred to the hospital and was induced into a pharmacological coma; as time passed, the doctors had already prepared the woman's family for the worst; Lyndee didn't seem capable of awakening anymore, her husband and children were now ready to say goodbye in the saddest and most resigned way and had decided to disconnect once and for all the machines that were keeping her alive. But something miraculous was about to happen ...

After 12 harrowing days in a coma, the family was ready to shut down the machines and donate Lyndee's organs, as the woman would have wished when she was still conscious and full of life; but when all the members of the Pellettiere-Swapp family were giving their final farewell to Lyndee, something unexpected happened.

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp/Facebook

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp/Facebook

At the exact moment her husband approached her and whispered the phrase "I need you to fight, I need you to fight", Lyndee responded with these powerful and unexpected words: "I am a fighter". To everyone's surprise, the 45-year-old woman was awakening from a coma after a full 12 days unconscious. After a few hours, the woman recovered completely, disconcerting both the medical team who supported her and her loved ones, who had been ready to say goodbye for good.

After returning home after that terrible and absurd experience, Lyndee wanted to tell about her journey, warning people who have friends, acquaintances or loved ones who are in a drug induced coma and who think that, despite being temporarily unconscious, they are unable to hear: "Just because you are not aware in that terrible moment does not mean that you cannot hear what they're saying to you, so you should always talk to people who are in that situation. They're listening to you!"

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp/Facebook

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp/Facebook

What an incredible story!
