A girl is stopped by the police for having a broken light, but instead of fining her the officer helps her out

by Alison Forde

June 27, 2021

A girl is stopped by the police for having a broken light, but instead of fining her the officer helps her out

When a police checkpoint stops us on the street, we are usually never too happy with it. Even though we obviously have nothing to hide, being stopped by the police always inspires a bit of awe and discomfort that we would gladly avoid. But when the siren sounds and the flashing lights are on, we have no choice: we have to stop. Chy-Niece Thacker was also quite nervous when she was stopped by an agent on the road as she headed for a job interview. The young woman had no idea why that policeman was stopping her and she was afraid of being late for her appointment. Fortunately, the policeman in question was only concerned for her safety.

via nbc12.com

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Once stopped her, however, the policeman immediately wanted to clarify the reason for the stop and reassure her: "I saw that you have a headlight that isn't working". The young woman then explained to the officer that she had taken the car to the mechanic, but that he had asked her for about $600 just to have a look at the cables. The policeman looked at her sympathetically, aware that she was being asked for too much, and asked her to pull over and open the hood

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Instead of giving her a rather hefty fine for the non-functioning light, the generous and understanding officer made himself available to try to solve the problem. "He could have just given me a ticket," the girl confirmed, "but Officer Jenkins took off his officer's clothes for a moment and took on the role of mechanic to make sure everything was ok with the car." On her Facebook page, Chy-Niece Thacker shared the policeman's kindness and the post quickly went viral, garnering over 388,000 positive reactions and 90,800 shares. This is indicative of the fact that people feel comforted and protected by the local police, and that every gesture of kindness towards others always provokes reactions of joy and positivity.

Facebook / Chy-Niece Thacker

Facebook / Chy-Niece Thacker

The local police thanked the young woman for the post and for the words of kindness: "We are so proud of our officers, especially when we see citizens sharing things like this. Officer Jenkins has gone beyond his duties as an officer. But this is the service we offer to our community ".
