A father throws his son out of the house because he is gay: the mother asks for a divorce and supports her son's choices 100%

by Dominic Quirke

March 05, 2021

A father throws his son out of the house because he is gay: the mother asks for a divorce and supports her son's choices 100%

For a young person, the adolescent period can be quite difficult and tiring, but having a different sexual orientation from the imposed "standards" makes it all the more exhausting. Declaring yourself to be gay in front of your friends is not easy, let alone in front of your family! A 15-year-old boy, whose name we do not know for privacy reasons, finally found the courage to express his sexual orientation by telling his parents that he was gay. Unfortunately, the father did not take it very well and, in response, threw the young man out of the house. In tears, the boy called his mother who was at work, telling her what had happened. The woman went on a rampage and immediately went to support her son.

via Reddit



How would you react if your child came out? It could be said that this father did everything wrong in this regard, raging on the boy's insecurity and proving himself to be a first-class intolerant. After being kicked out of the house, the boy immediately called her mother and told her what had happened. The woman, who was at work, went on a rampage and recalled the pettiness of her now ex-husband in that circumstance: "she waited until I wasn't home to kick him out!". The mother remembers getting off work earlier that day and rushing home. Here, she found her son sitting on the pavement, with his clothes and his belongings beside him. He was in tears and upset by what had happened: her husband had revealed himself to be an intolerant and homophobic person. As if that wasn't enough, the man also admitted that he cheated on her multiple times with another woman - the straw that broke the camel's back and prompted the woman to finally ask for a divorce.

A father throws his son out of the house because he is gay: the mother asks for a divorce and supports her son's choices 100% - 2

The woman, furious, asked her ex-husband who was bringing the money home and paying the bills; then, she asked him to get out of that house forever. Faced with these threats, the man began to beg, asking his wife to be allowed to stay. But she had already made up her mind: that man was definitely not the one she thought she had loved and married all those years ago! Before letting the man leave the house, the mother and son went to a hotel room, from which the woman was able to post the whole thing on Reddit. A post that, as you can imagine, quickly went viral. The woman welcomed her son's outing very differently to his father's reaction: she reassured him, telling him that she would do anything to make him feel loved. A total difference in approach, which underlines an important truth: homophobia is never the right path to follow.
