A mother scolds her 2-year-old daughter: the dog defends the child as if she were her bodyguard

by Alison Forde

October 20, 2020

A mother scolds her 2-year-old daughter: the dog defends the child as if she were her bodyguard

Dogs and children: what binds them together is a very special relationship, we know this well and we remember it day after day in reading and telling stories about them. On the one hand, children love dogs because for them they are great playmates, able to entertain them at any time. On the other hand, the four-legged friends could not be happier to take a little human under their protection, almost as if they were their furry "guardians".

Harry, the Golden Retriever we are about to introduce to you, has taken this role very seriously. What's so special about him? Simple, to "his" two-year-old girl, he is a real bodyguard. Whenever the little girl is scolded, he shields her, showing his teeth and "hugging" the little one to protect her. If you think that such behavior is not possible, these viral images of him will make you change your mind!

via Douyin



We are in Xuzhou, China. Here, the mother of little You You, a delightful 2-year-old girl, witnessed a scene that she couldn't help but film. When she berated her daughter for opening a package of cosmetic cream she had just bought, spreading it all around and actually wasting it, the dog decided to intervene.



His reaction was funny and surprising at the same time. The beautiful Golden Retriever, in fact, turned to the baby's mother with a growl, as if he was clearly making her understand she had to back off, and then hugged You You with his paws. That's right: this dog is truly the epitomy of the instinct to protect children, with his way of shielding the child.



According to the mom, her anger completely vanished when she saw what the dog was doing. And it is not the first time that Harry has defended her daughter in this way. It's not difficult to understand why the video, shared on the Chinese social network Douyin - the equivalent of TikTok - has traveled around the world in a short time. Although some have questioned the authenticity of the video and the dog's reaction, the woman who filmed it confirmed that it is entirely true, showing Harry's natural reactions.



She herself, moreover, was surprised by the success that the video achieved among web viewers. We can only join in their astonished reactions: this dog really seems to be only missing speech, doesn't it?



 Who wouldn't want to have a four-legged friend like this?
