"I am so lucky": the touching message a woman found on her husband's cellphone, who just died from Covid at 32

by Cylia Queen

May 05, 2020

"I am so lucky": the touching message a woman found on her husband's cellphone, who just died from Covid at 32

Since the Coronavirus pandemic first began, the world's equilibrium has spun out of control. Millions of people have contracted the virus while others have had to sit by and watch their loved ones suffer. Non-essential businesses across the world have been closed and millions of people are left without jobs, which is putting many countries at risk for economic collapse. To say the least, we're living in difficult times and it might be awhile before we get out of it. 

The lives that the Coronavirus have claimed should also be concerning. Time and time again we've witnessed that Covid is not just fatal for the elderly, but for a number of young people as well. Jonathan Coelho is one of those young people who didn't make it. The Coronavirus claimed his life at only the age of 32. One can only imagine the pain that Katie, his wife, felt when she found out Jonathan had died. Isolated from the world, Jonathan passed his remaining days on Earth in a lonely hospital bed. Knowing he wouldn't be able to say good-bye to his wife and kids in person, Jonathan left them a goodbye message on his phone.

via CBS News

CBS This Morning/youtube

CBS This Morning/youtube

Jonathan was hospitalized for 27 days before he passed away. The first two weeks in the hospital seemed like everything was under control. From there, his condition gradually became worse and worse. Given it was impossible for Jonathan to communicate with the outside world, he knew the only way he'd be able to say a proper good-bye to his wife and kids (Braedyn, 2, and Penelope, 4 months) was to leave a message for them on his phone.

Katie had no idea that Jonathan had left them a message. She only discovered it after the medical staff gave her back the personal items Jonathan had kept with him while he was in the hospital. For Katie, the message meant everything. Not being able to say goodbye to Jonathan in person was already difficult. His message, however, helped ease some of her pain.  

CBS This Morning/youtube

CBS This Morning/youtube

"I am so lucky it makes me so proud to be your husband and the father to Braedyn and Penny. Katie you are the most beautiful caring nurturing person I’ve ever met.....you are truly one of a kind.....make sure you live life with happiness and that same passion that made me fall in love with you. Seeing you be the best mom to the kids is the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced. Let Braedyn (k)now he’s my best bud and I’m proud to be his father and for all the amazing things he’s done and continues to do," the letter read. "Let Penelope know she’s a princess and can have whatever she wants in life. I’m so lucky."

One can only imagine the effort that it took for Jonathan to write the message just hours before he died. It's needless to say that Jonathan died too soon. He will continue to live, however, in the hearts of his friends and family. Katie and their kids might have to move forward with their lives without Jonathan, but at least they will never doubt for a moment how much he loved them and how fortunate he was to have them in his life.  
