Liam, a 30-year-old suffering from luekemia sacrificed his own life to save other patients infected by the Coronavirus

by Cylia Queen

April 10, 2020

Liam, a 30-year-old suffering from luekemia sacrificed his own life to save other patients infected by the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus epidemic carries pain and suffering with it wherever it goes. Even if we don't personally know anyone right now who has been affected by the virus, the chances are becoming more likely each day. As of April 3, 2020, over 60,000 lives worldwide have been claimed by the Coronavirus, and not all of them have been elderly patients. 

In Liam Downing's case, some might say he paid the ultimate sacrifice, risking his own life so that someone else could live. Suffering from leukemia for already 2 years, Liam refused treatment after testing positive for COVID-19 so that doctors could concentrate on saving healthy patients who were more likely to survive than him.   

via The Sun

Laura Downing/Facebook

Laura Downing/Facebook

Liam, a professional DJ, has been described by many as a guy who, apart from being brave, had a big heart and a positive attitude. These are all great characteristics to have, especially when your doctors have informed you that your leukemia hasn't responded to treatments and you have little chances of survival. Imagine the shock that Liam and his family received when they discovered he also tested positive for Codvid-19. 

Liam's sister, Laura, said it was an even bigger shock to the family when Liam informed them that he decided to refuse treatments for the Coronavirus so that someone else - who had better chances of surviving - could be treated in his place. It was March 23, 2020, when Liam revealed the news to his family that he would not be receiving treatments. What was meant meant to be a happy occsasion, as it was also Liam's 30th birthday, turned out to be bittersweet. On one side, they were proud of Liam for making such a selfess decision. On the other side, they didn't want him to give up; they wanted him to continue fighting. 

Although they were hopeful that Liam was strong enough to battle the Coronavirus and leukemia at the same time, he passed away 4 days later. The family is devasted by their loss, but they are also proud of Liam for the courage and selflessness he showed during his final days alive. They decided to create a GoFundMe to raise money for Liam's burial costs. Whatever money is left over will be donated to the hospital that took care of Liam. 
