Despite utter exhaustion after a long workday, this nurse dropped everything to provide medical care to a wounded homeless man

by Cylia Queen

February 27, 2020

Despite utter exhaustion after a long workday, this nurse dropped everything to provide medical care to a wounded homeless man

How many times in our lives have we found ourselves walking down the street - perhaps downtown where everyone's out shopping or checking out the latest trendy cocktail bar - only to stumble across a homeless person asking for help? There are definitely people out there who are happy to leave some money, but let's face it: most people just walk right by and pretend they didn't see anything. Obviously, societal issues like homelessness and poverty can't be solved by one person alone. It's alarming, however, how quickly we, as a society, turn our heads to those so evidently in need. Instead of using the excuse that the problem "is too big to handle on our own," we could actually start doing something about it, even if it's just a small contribution. It would at least challenge how we view homelessness and potentially bring about a positive change in how we confront it in our everyday lives.

The nurse in our story was on her way home from the hospital, where she had just finished her shift. Despite feeling completely exhausted, she immediately dropped everything to help a man she saw sitting helplessly in pain on the sidewalk. Everyone else on the street just walked right past him, as if he didn't exist.  

via Facebook / Fher Ibarra

Facebook / Fher Ibarra

Facebook / Fher Ibarra

It was Facebook user Fher Ibarra who captured the touching scene on video, which he later posted to his Facebook page. The event took place on a busy street in Tijuana, Mexico and, luckily, for the wounded homeless man, there was someone that still cared enough for their fellow man to stop and help him out. Looks like good samaritans still exist afterall!   

Facebook / Fher Ibarra

Facebook / Fher Ibarra

It was later discovered that the nurse who mended the homeless man's wounds was Marycarmen Caro Gastelum. For reasons unknown, the man had suffered wounds to his feet and, considering he was confined to a wheelchair, was unable to properly care for them himself. It was thanks to the altruism of this nurse that he recieved the medical attention that he needed.

On a slightly different note, it's thanks to social media that so many people were able to hear about and be touched by this story. The concern that the nurse showed toward this homeless man is truly inspiring and should be a reminder to us all that there is still good left in the world. And even more good would go around if we were all a little more like this nurse.
