These two dogs followed their owner to the hospital so he would not be alone after his operation

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 26, 2019

These two dogs followed their owner to the hospital so he would not be alone after his operation

Animals often manage to perceive emotions and sensations that even we humans are not aware of and they are, therefore, in many cases, much more empathetic than we are.

If you have a dog, for example, you can be sure that it will never abandon you and that it will always be ready to remain by your side in times of need, or if you are in danger.

On 15 December 2019, on the Chillán Notice Facebook page, a very moving story was posted concerning the relationship between two dogs and their owner, a man who had to remain in the hospital while he was recovering from surgery.

via Facebook / Chillán Notice

Facebook / Chillan Avisos

Facebook / Chillan Avisos

The story was posted by a man who had just finished his shift in the hospital. Suddenly, he saw a puppy lying in the corridor on the floor near a room, towards which the dog constantly directed its sad gaze.

The man wondered what was a dog was doing there in the hospital corridor and decided to enter the room to find out what was going on.

Inside, his surprise was even greater, because he saw another dog lying on the floor under a patient's bed.

The man lying in the hospital bed was recovering from surgery and he explained to him that the two dogs were his and that they had followed him to the hospital and had always remained by his side.

Facebook / Chillan Avisos

Facebook / Chillan Avisos

The loyalty and love that these two dogs demonstrated are sufficient to understand that a dog will never abandon a human being. So naturally, the question arises: how is it possible that we humans abandon them?
