This 11-year-old girl escaped a potential kidnapper thanks to a code word created by her mother

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 25, 2019

This 11-year-old girl escaped a potential kidnapper thanks to a code word created by her mother

Every parent sooner or later lives that particular state of apprehension when their children become old enough to have some autonomy, but they are not yet mature enough to protect themselves from danger.

Most of our children go to school and come back home alone, and they also go out with their friends, and in these circumstances, it can easily happen that they are approached by strangers with bad intentions.

Here is what an American mother, with her daughter, has invented so that everyone in the family can sleep peacefully.

Good Morning America/YouTube

Good Morning America/YouTube

The name of the protagonist in this story is Madison James, an 11-year-old girl, whose mother Brenda, some time ago, taught her children a "code word" that only family members know, or at most someone who is temporarily given permission to act in the place of a family member.

This stratagem is a precautionary measure, and to tell the truth, Brenda herself would never have thought that the circumstances under which her daughter would be forced to use it would ever have occurred.

However, in spite of any real or imagined predictions, that day did arrive!

In her narration about what happened, Madison said that she was walking towards her home after school when a stranger aboard an SUV approached her and, covering his face, told her that her brothers had had an accident and that he had come to pick her up to take her to them.

The young girl immediately understood that something was not right, so she asked the man what was the family code word.

The stranger was stunned because, obviously, he did not know the answer! So, he immediately gave up and quickly drove away! Madison rushed home to tell her grandmother what had happened, and the latter immediately alerted the police.

Good Morning America/YouTube

Good Morning America/YouTube

This episode has had a great resonance throughout the world on social media networks, receiving shares and approval from everywhere, both for the courage of the young girl and the brilliant initiative of a careful and prudent mother.

Establishing a secret family code word for your children can be a great way to protect them from malicious people.

In addition, children are aware that in some emergency situations the help of someone they do not know could be requested, but the fact that the unknown person knows the family code word would be a guarantee of trust.

It is a simple but very effective idea, which, in some cases, can even save lives.
