Two weeks of rice-based menus that are the secret to purifying our body

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 15, 2019

Two weeks of rice-based menus that are the secret to purifying our body

Rice is an ideal food to purify the body and to promote weight loss.

It has low-calorie content and no gluten, so it is also suitable for those suffering from specific allergies or intolerances. In addition, rice gives a sense of satiety as well as being an ally that promotes well-being.

The particular diet we are going to propose lasts a total of 12 days and is divided into two distinct phases.

In the first three days, the detoxifying effect occurs, while in the remaining nine days, the diet begins to induce weight loss

Corrado Forino/Flickr

Corrado Forino/Flickr

The first phase is the one in which rice is the only food allowed. The purpose is to activate the natural resources of the body and to detoxify properly. Other options are cereals such as barley, rye or millet that can be alternated to break up the monotony. Breakfast includes a sweet rice cream enriched with half a teaspoon of honey or red berry fruits. The rice cream can be prepared by blending boiled rice.

On the menu, for lunch, there is boiled rice with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and one piece of fruit, while at dinner it is the turn of rice soup with boiled vegetables. Once this phase of preparation and purification is finished, you can switch to the slimming phase. From here on, breakfast consists of a glass of milk with three rice cakes and a little jam, preferably organic.

At mid-morning you can give yourself one piece of fruit as a snack. For lunch, a portion of rice (3 oz /80 gr), better if wholegrain (brown rice), or rice paste, with a little salt, boiled vegetables, and cheese in small quantities. Better to bet on Grana Padano or low-fat ricotta cheese. To vary, you can prepare white meat (chicken or turkey) or lean fish (hake, grouper, or sea bass). Baked or grilled without seasonings.



In the middle of the afternoon, the midmorning snack is repeated, with another piece of fruit, while at dinner you can switch between boiled rice with vegetables, meat or fish. Alternatively, lean mushroom risotto with vegetables or prawns. The use of oil is always moderate and meat or fish is cooked exclusively on the grill or in the oven without frying or burning the food. With this diet system, body fat reserves will be affected, which will, in turn, stimulate metabolism while at the same time significantly helping digestion.

N.B. Our article is for informational purposes only and does not want to replace or provide medical solutions that must necessarily be resolved and discussed with your trusted care provider.
