One should never have to beg for love! Therefore, if the other person does not appreciate you --- it is better to move on!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 16, 2019

One should never have to beg for love! Therefore, if the other person does not appreciate you --- it is better to move on!

One thought that we should all keep in mind is that we must not beg for love, friendship or attention, because it is spontaneous feelings that everyone should be interested in cultivating in their lives, regardless of whether it is convenient or not.

This means that if a person really loves us, they will find a way to invest their time and energy in us and the relationship, in a natural and spontaneous exchange: this is love.

We must beware and stay away from those who think only of themselves and treat us with indifference - it means that they do not deserve us.




We do not deserve people who only know how to communicate using gossip and small talk and who only seek convenience, their own convenience, but instead, someone who is by our side and who values ​​us without expecting anything in return.

Love cannot be driven by personal interest; it must be a natural and mutual exchange that is kept alive without any kind of sacrifice.

In fact, actually, there is no "lack of time", but rather there is the "lack of interest", because when someone intends to stay by someone's side, they will do everything they can to create the space and time, within their life, to dedicate to the one they love.

In order to no longer beg for love, you have to first, respect yourself --- so that others will respect you. The person that you deserve is the one who "chooses you" and appreciates you as you are.



What often underlies some failed love relationships are hopes and expectations that are too high, which causes us to perceive the attitudes of others as a "lack of interest".

We enter a mental trap where what others tell us appears to us as deception and, therefore, we feel strong emotional pain. Emotional pain is like physical pain: we must learn to recognize it and give it importance, just as we acknowledge a headache - we do not ignore it. 

We must, therefore, learn from our emotional pain, from experience, to be able to work on ourselves, without waiting for time to heal things. In reality, time will not heal anything at all, emotional wounds cannot be cured by magic ... 

If you are experiencing a moment of strong and clear emotional injustice, remember: Do not pick up the phone and do not write and send messages! Do not subject yourself once again to the other person's indifference and to unjustified silences. Do not seek out those who do not seem to miss you. Do not wait for those who cannot or will not appreciate you. Stop begging for their attention and their love.



Just because someone disregards or dislikes you, it does not mean that someone else cannot love you for who you are. Put yourself in a state of mind in which you "choose love", choose to dialogue with yourself and with others through this precious medium that you have deprived yourself of too often and for too long.

Choosing to love means deciding to confront one's own past ghosts, one's own experiences, and one's own idea of ​​love! And to have the desire to fight those inner fears that we think we can no longer conquer.

Choosing love is a search for oneself, it is taking care of one's inner wounds and trying to understand one's self more deeply. To love we must learn not to hold back, but to let go! We must build, not destroy.

However, in order to build something, it is first necessary to identify what to build and the reason for building it. Therefore, it is first of all, necessary to recognize, admit, interpret, and accept one's feelings. 

To come into contact with our deepest emotions, first, we have to get rid of one thing: fear. Fear is a deceptive emotion that tends to "mask" your real feelings and not allow you to really feel the weight of your true feelings and thoughts.

Until we face it, fear will seem like an unbeatable monster, an unsurpassable obstacle! However, if we learn to become familiar with our fears, we will come to understand that both we and love are actually much stronger than this insidious feeling.
