Lemon Essential Oil: Here is how to prepare this product that has countless benefits in just a few minutes

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 04, 2019

Lemon Essential Oil: Here is how to prepare this product that has countless benefits in just a few minutes

Among the most effective and used natural remedies, lemon essential oil has a very long list of beneficial properties and a variety of different uses for our body that you would never imagine.

Used as a beauty product, in the cosmetic field but also as a key ingredient for some types of food preparations, lemon essential oil is also and above all a very easy product to prepare at home, with only a few ingredients and in just a few minutes.

Here is everything you need to know about lemon essential oil and its countless beneficial and powerful properties. 

NB: The advice we give you can NEVER replace the opinion of a doctor or the pharmacological treatments that a doctor can prescribe for you for a specific pathology.

Karolina Mis/Flickr

Karolina Mis/Flickr

Rich in beneficial properties for our body, lemon essential oil can be used to:

  • eliminate warts 
  • treat gum and mouth inflammation 
  • eliminate heartburn 
  • calm coughs and sore throats 
  • treat inflammation of the ear 
  • combat anemia, fatigue, and flu symptoms 
  • stop hair loss 
  • heal acne scars
  • stimulate blood circulation 

Preparing it at home requires only some olive oil an lemon peel. Here are the simple steps to follow:

hanan beauty/YouTube

hanan beauty/YouTube

Peel a lemon (without the white part) and boil the peels for a few minutes, then filter it. Remember that this lemon water should not be thrown away! In fact, lemon peels are also used to make lemon tea that is cleansing, burns fat, helps digestion, and is also an astringent!

hanan beauty/YouTube

hanan beauty/YouTube

Put the boiled lemon peels in an appropriately sized glass jar and fill it two-thirds full with olive oil and then place it in a bain-marie inside a saucepan with water. Heat for an hour over low heat, never high.

hanan beauty/YouTube

hanan beauty/YouTube

Close the jar with its lid and let it rest for at least three days in a cool and dark place. Then it will be ready to use both as a cosmetic product and as an excellent ingredient rich in surprising properties for our body. Immensely versatile, lemon essential oil can also be used as a tasty dressing for summer salads! 

After following these simple steps to make lemon essential oil in the comfort of our home, we too can no longer do without the extraordinary benefits of lemon essential oil. It is really easy to make, isn't it?
