A dad books six plane tickets to spend the holidays with his daughter who is a flight attendant

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 28, 2019

A dad books six plane tickets to spend the holidays with his daughter who is a flight attendant

For most people, the approach of national and religious holidays means creating decorations at home, running left and right to buy last-minute gifts, and organizing time to spend with one's family.

Often, however, we forget that many other people during these days of festivities still have to work.

There are many categories, ranging from those who work in our health facilities, to those in the police and military, and also those in the public transport and tourism sectors.

Mike Levy

Mike Levy

One such person is Pierce Vaughan, who is a Delta Airlines flight attendant by profession. Her father, Hal Vaughan did not want to give up on spending the Christmas holidays with her, so he bought six tickets to spend December 24th and 25th with his daughter. 

This singular and very sweet story was documented by Mike Levy, a passenger on one of Hal's flights, as he traveled sitting right next to Hal during his marathon.

The story is, even more, moving when one discovers that Hal was still recovering from a rather serious accident. In fact, the elderly man had broken his neck and had been practically immobilized for quite some time.

Pierce T. Vaughan

Pierce T. Vaughan

Hal had been still struggling to recover, but every day, he began to see increasingly encouraging improvements. It was also for this reason, that he knew he would not have to lose even one day away from his beloved Pierce and that he could be by her side to make her feel a bit of the family Christmas holiday atmosphere and spirit.

Fellow passenger, Mike took a picture with Hal and then published it on the web and briefly narrated the story. The post received in a very short time over 28 thousand likes and shares. A few days later Pierce shared Mike's post and added a photo of her whole family.


Pierce T. Vaughan

Pierce T. Vaughan

On social media, Pierce also took the opportunity to thank all the ground and flight personnel who had made her father's six consecutive flights as comfortable as possible. This just goes to show that when you really want to be together you can do it in the most unthinkable ways. 

This unusual Christmas story testifies to how much the family is one of the most precious and important things in the life of an individual, a strong and indissoluble bond that helps to overcome anything.

Please remember the next time you are celebrating a holiday: Be kind to those who are still working to prepare and serve your food or drive your taxi because, in the end, it is also a holiday for them too.
