The children of working mothers are more likely to succeed in life, says a research study

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 31, 2019

The children of working mothers are more likely to succeed in life, says a research study

Many women have had to decide between career and family, often giving up the first to take care of the second.

However, there are circumstances in which the choice is obligatory and one does not have the option of not working, when and for example one salary is not enough or the other parent does not exist.

Reluctantly, many women leave the house every day with a guilt complex in regards to not being a good mother, but according to research, the effects of working mothers on the development of their children are anything but negative.

via Harvard University

Paul Hakanoa/Unsplash

Paul Hakanoa/Unsplash

The survey carried out by American and English scholars focused on a sample of 100,000 men and women from 29 different countries.

The objective was to establish the consequences on the development of children who had both a working mother and father. The results showed that the children of working women, later in life, had better professional positions, better salary conditions, and a higher percentage of coordination or management roles.

As for the incidence of working fathers, the data did not reveal any particular distinctions. In essence, therefore, in families with mothers at work, their children grew up to be more autonomous and independent, acquiring greater responsibility and involvement in the management of daily household chores. This "training" allowed them to become more responsible and mature and to have a better understanding of life once they became adults.

According to the survey, therefore, the frustration of many mothers in not being able to take better care of their children would be unjustified, given that the benefits produced by their lives as working mothers are certainly greater than the possible deficiencies. This is not to suggest that a woman should always prefer a career, but that the ideal is a fair balance without having to make too many sacrifices.

Michal Parzuchowski/Unsplash

Michal Parzuchowski/Unsplash

Beyond the measures that have been put in place by the various public and private institutions or individual companies, the question is a personal and individual one. Therefore, the choice must be offered to those who wish to work both in the office or at home or to be fulltime mothers. 

The key to everything is the flexibility of employment and duties, which would allow a mother to be present in the lives of her children, giving them both quantity and quality of time.

In general, the middle way is the most suitable solution, making sure that women have adequate access, facilities, and resources to support both the role of a professional and that of a mother.
