These are some signs that can reveal an unhappy married life

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 25, 2019

These are some signs that can reveal an unhappy married life

Almost all couples sooner or later find themselves facing a period of crisis.

The passion between them, with the years, tends to fall, and problems and the daily routine take the place of joy and complicity.

Keeping the flame of love alive in spite of everything is really a difficult undertaking, but not impossible. However, there are warning signs that can help to reveal that something is not working.

Here are the typical signs of an unhappy relationship.


mark sebastian/Flickr

mark sebastian/Flickr

Being together less and less. This does not only mean living in the same house; time spent together is not measured in quantity but in quality. 

Telling lies. Sincerity is the backbone of every healthy relationship. Therefore, when one begins to lie, a rift is created that sooner or later will break the bond that holds the relationship together. 

Watching the TV in silence. In a couple in crisis, one of the most deficient elements is communication. At a certain point, they stop talking and narrating the events of their day, remaining silent, and staring at the TV screen. Even a trivial thing like watching a film or a program together can be a moment of relaxation to share while embracing one another. 

Limiting the manifestations of affection. Kisses and hugs are fundamental both in intimacy and in everyday life. Every display of affection is different in intensity and meaning depending on the context and the moment. Reducing or eliminating this habit altogether is tantamount to doing away with love, support, comfort or complicity. 

Arguing too often. The saying, that if you love someone then you will quarrel, is true up to a certain point. When a couple starts to almost always address each other in an aggressive and grumpy manner, it creates only malaise, anxiety, and sadness.

Hernán Piñera/Flickr

Hernán Piñera/Flickr

Every relationship is a world unto itself and it is not easy to preserve harmony and serenity. But the key to everything is the mutual willingness to be together. Love, beyond the poetic images of cinema or songs, is basically just great teamwork. 

To avoid losing or weakening those feelings that gave birth to a love story, we must protect and perserve the small gestures and habits, never take the other for granted, never stop remembering the beauty and the good fortune of having met and fallen in love

Only in this way can you continue to hold hands in spite of tiredness, wrinkles, and time.
