A woman asks for a takeaway meal because of her little daughter's caprices but a waitress answers, "No."

Going out to eat with your young children can turn out to be a real an adventure and many couples end up asking the servers to wrap up the ordered food to be able to take it away, due to their children's caprices.
That is just what happened to a woman, Courtney Pedigo, while she was at a restaurant with her family. The waitress who was serving her, at Courtney's request to put everything in a takeaway box, refused and took the opportunity to give this mother a life lesson.
via Courtney Ruth Pedigo / Facebook

Courtney Pedigo was at a restaurant together with her 18-month-old daughter and the rest of her family when in the middle of the meal, her little girl started whimpering and refusing to remain seated. The mother, exasperated, asked to have a takeaway box prepared to take with her as she was going to have to leave, but the waitress's unexpected response was, "No!".
Without leaving the woman time to reply and ask for explanations, the waitress - a 22-year-old girl named Nianni - invited the woman to remain seated and to continue eating her meal. Immediately after, she came back to the table with a small dish of ice cream and started to entertain the little girl, while her mother was able to finish eating in peace.
In reference to her gesture, Nianni said, "I did not want them to leave. She came here to enjoy a meal with her family and should be able to do just that. I do not think she should have to leave the restaurant because of her little daughter's whims. For small children, it's normal they behave like that."
Courtney really appreciated the gesture of the young waitress, so much so that she wanted to dedicate a post about her on Facebook, to let everyone know of her kindness. In fact, Nianni knows quite well the exasperation that parents can sometimes experience when their children misbehave because she also has a three-year-old daughter and understands how difficult it can be to even finish eating!
The owner of the restaurant, Olive Garden, an Italian restaurant in Greensboro, North Carolina had nothing to complain about the fact that Nianni had taken the time to entertain Courtney's little girl. In fact, this restaurant is a place that often serves families and the owner feels that it is right that they should be able to spend their time there in peace.