Here's how to keep the washing machine clean with minimum effort

by Shirley Marie Bradby

June 18, 2018

Here's how to keep the washing machine clean with minimum effort

The washing machine has a single purpose, that of producing clean and fresh smelling clothes but how can it carry out its task if the washing machine itself turns out to be smelly and dirty?

Precisely for this reason, we should take care of our washing machine, to prevent the muck that accumulates in the washing machine basket and between the rubber seals from ending up mixed in with our laundry!

Here are some useful tips to keep the washing machine clean with minimal effort.


Choose the right laundry detergent

Did you know that a connection has been found between liquid detergent and mold formation? If you have this kind of problem, try to use a laundry powder detergent instead.


Rubber seals

The rubber seal on the washing machine door serves to guarantee a watertight closure, but it is also a veritable haven for bacteria and germs. To ensure you always have clean laundry, you will have to make it a habit to clean the rubber seal after every wash. This is a task that if postponed for a long time, will become more difficult and disgusting to perform!

Cleaning the drum

Even if it does not seem to be dirty, the washing machine drum is not just dirty, it is very dirty! In fact, everything accumulates in the cracks, so it is a good idea to run an empty wash cycle, after inserting a dishwasher capsule (yes, you got it right --- for a dishwasher!) directly into the washing machine drum and setting the temperature to 140°F (60°C).

Clean the filter

Clean the filter




The washing machine is equipped with a filter that serves to catch everything solid that falls out of laundry during washing, to prevent it from going into other parts of the appliance. Periodically, it is advisable to clean the filter, which is at the bottom, usually on the front side. Before removing it, place a towel on the floor, because some water may flow out. Once this is done, you can unscrew the cap and empty out everything inside. You can use a small stick to insert into the compartment, to make sure you have removed everything. This cleaning will not only allow you to eliminate a considerable amount of germs and bacteria that stagnate in the mass of hair, thread, lint, and more but it will also allow you to get cleaner laundry!


A moldy smell

A moldy smell

Aqua Mechanical/Flickr

Have you ever opened the washing machine door to be enveloped by a terrible smell? That smell is caused by the mold that is created due to humidity and stagnant water. To eliminate it, just leave the door open for a few hours, which actually should be done after every wash.
