20 ways to put things in order and solve every problem regarding space!

In everyone's house, the space never seems to be enough: whether you live in an objectively small apartment or you have too many possessions, what remains to be done is to find solutions to the problem.
Actually, your house hides some spaces that could be home to many objects that you just cannot find a place to put. For example, the back of the door, the inside of the doors and the insides of cabinet doors ...
In your home there is plenty of space at your disposal, now you just have to find it!
In the space where there used to be a drawer, in this kitchen, an ironing board has been set up and can be pulled out when necessary! How many of you do not know where to keep your ironing board?

Do you remember document holders? They can be very useful in the bathroom to hold beauty products and flat or curling irons and brushes.

Earrings always in disarray? Use an old picture frame to create a clever way of keeping them organized and always in sight.

Is the storage bed container full of clothes that are unorganized? Use boxes and separators to keep things in order longer.

Some shelves could help solve the problem of the arrangement of all those bathroom products ...

Another example of how a document holder can be used.

An extra removable kitchen counter surface for temporary work.

No space for bedside tables? A narrow container can be very useful for holding some objects.

A raised dessert plater can be used as a container for bathroom products.

Here is the perfect arrangement for lids.

How many of you would like to have a similar storage cupboard?

Gathering and storing your children's games is no longer a problem.

No more pots and pans stacked on top of each other!

Everything you need in a very small space.

Comfortable and functional!

An upcycled egg carton is where you can store your rings and earrings.

A wire tray on the top of the toilet water tank can hold everything you need.

Your kitchen cupboards offer you more space than you can think.

Empty cardboard toilet rolls are the best allies for keeping cords and cables in order.

Keeping scarves folded is easy!
