Some tourists film a turtle as it returns to the sea and its dimensions are impressive!

Today I was lucky to see a giant sea turtle alive in person ... We would like to be able to say something like that to our friends, but, alas, we can only content ourselves by watching these video images.
As an adult, this sea animal, which is specifically a leatherback sea turtle, can measure up to 10 to 12 ft long (300-350 cm) and weigh 1540 lb (700 kilos).
Moreover, this gigantic sea turtle is among the species recognized as "vulnerable" and it is therefore considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
For the lucky ones who saw this incredible turtle making its way back to the sea, it must have been a truly unforgettable experience.
Leatherback sea turtles reproduce about every two or three years ...

The giant leatherback sea turtle that you see in the video has, in fact, just deposited, between 50 and 150 turtle eggs that will hatch after about two months. Only very few of the small ones of this specimen will manage to reach adulthood (on average, only 1 or 2 specimens survive for every 1000 births!).
Here is the fortuitous meeting!