Some children at school have poor hygiene, so the teachers have created a "special" cabinet to help them

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 30, 2018

Some children at school have poor hygiene, so the teachers have created a "special" cabinet to help them

Being a teacher is an extremely rewarding job, but at the same time, it can also be very exhausting.

After all, a teacher almost never takes care exclusively of just the children's education but ends up establishing an emotional bond with the pupils and taking an interest in their general well-being.

When a child enters the classroom poorly nourished, with inappropriate and dirty clothes, the teacher cannot remain indifferent and that is how he or she discovers problematic family situations.

However, families in economic difficulty is a widespread reality, and some teachers at a US school have taken this issue to heart. Consequently, after seeing many children come to school in pretty bad shape, they decided to organize "a care cabinet".

It was the husband of one of the teachers in question who published a picture of the open cabinet and helped the initiative go viral.

It was the husband of one of the teachers in question who published a picture of the open cabinet and helped the initiative go viral.

Source: Terevok

In the picture, we see an open shelf cabinet with shelves full of hygiene products, from toothbrushes to deodorants, from handkerchiefs to bubble bath. 

Initially, it was the school teachers who bought the products, but then more and more people started contributing by donating or buying products to be placed on the cabinet shelves. Everything is at the complete disposal of the students, who can take what they want when they want.

It is one of the most effective and immediate ways to solve a small problem (children's hygiene) within a much wider and more complex issue (the poverty of the families in which they live).

Those with children who attend schools know the importance of good personal hygiene, in order to avoid annoying inconveniences that are often epidemic.

So we can only applaud the teachers and their idea, that was implemented within a short amount of time, and also thank all the people who have contributed to stocking the cabinet shelves.


This is an initiative that would also be useful in other schools!

This is an initiative that would also be useful in other schools!