Celtic horoscopes provide very detailed descriptions --- what is your sign?

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 09, 2018

Celtic horoscopes provide very detailed descriptions --- what is your sign?

You do not need to be passionate or a horoscope expert to know which zodiac sign corresponds to your date of birth. In fact, practically every one of us knows our astrological sign, however, not everyone follows their daily horoscope.

The zodiac signs to which we refer originate from the culture of the ancient civilizations that observed and studied the sky and the stars (the Babylonians, for example), but there are other horoscopes originating from other cultures.

The Celtic horoscope, for example, is less known, but no less interesting. A bit like the traditional zodiac, it associates an animal with a precise day and month of birth.

The descriptions of the individual profiles are very accurate and frequently correspond to reality! Read your profile and let us know if you recognize yourself in what your Celtic horoscope says!

December 24 to January 20 --- born under the sign of the white deer

December 24 to January 20 --- born under the sign of the white deer

Chris Parker/Flickr

Those born under the sign of the white deer have a strong personality and in a group, they tend to be leaders and influence others with their own ideas. They are trustworthy people, never impolite, who give great importance to honesty and personal commitment. In the workplace, they give the best of themselves and are willing to make great sacrifices to achieve a goal.


January 21 - February 17 --- born under the sign of the green dragon

January 21 - February 17 --- born under the sign of the green dragon


These people are very reflective, to the point that they often appear mysterious to the eyes of others. They prefer to be on the sidelines rather than in a large group. They have a very ambitious character, they focus on the realization of dreams and often have different thoughts from those of other people. They are intelligent, perspicacious. and capable of great affection.

February 18th - March 17th --- born under the sign of the seahorse

February 18th - March 17th --- born under the sign of the seahorse

Alex Griffioen/Flickr

These people have a great sense of imagination and often possess artistic skills and recognize in nature a source of inspiration. They are people who give the right importance to the words of others, without worrying too much, and are always involved in activities aimed at personal improvement. They are introverted and comfortable only in a small group of people.

March 18th - April 14th --- born under the sign of the fox

March 18th - April 14th --- born under the sign of the fox

Tambako The Jaguar/Flickr

People born in this period are real volcanoes! They always have an idea in mind, projects to be completed and a passion to follow. The trust they have in themselves sets them apart and they are constantly surrounded by other people who appreciate them for their vital energy. They are good friends, loyal, and sincere.

April 15th - May 12th --- born under the sign of the hare

April 15th - May 12th --- born under the sign of the hare


People born under this sign are very intuitive and they can perceive before the others the true identity of a person or the ending of a situation. They are also very patient and very rarely react impulsively to events. They are excellent friends, always present, reliable and comforting. They are very intelligent people, who know how to deal with every kind of discourse and every type of person. They also have an excellent aesthetic taste, in clothing and in the decoration of ambients.


May 13th - June 9th --- born under the sign of the owl

May 13th - June 9th --- born under the sign of the owl

Mark Coleman/Flickr

These people are extremely adaptable to the most diverse situations and the most radical changes. They have a very sharp memory and they can think very quickly. They are also very curious individuals who always want to know everything. They are good listeners, for this reason, they are able to give good advice as well.

June 10th - July 7th --- born under the sign of the white horse

June 10th - July 7th --- born under the sign of the white horse


They are people who have very strong communication skills and always know how to get what they want, just by using the right words and the right intonation. They are also extremely good people and ready to offer help in any situation. They are optimistic in nature and they can see a light of hope even in the darkest situations, which is why they so very popular.


July 8th - August 4th --- born under the sign of the cat

July 8th - August 4th --- born under the sign of the cat


These people are born leaders, accept every challenge and are not afraid to face a thousand difficulties. They are also very competitive, they love the comparison and the feeling of being the best. At the same time, they are also extremely reserved, for this reason, they are often mistaken for being rude and arrogant. However, the truth is that they simply do not like to confide in those they do not know. The people who are part of their circle of friends are very few but valid. They are excellent workers, and they also recognize the importance of getting the proper amount of rest.

August 5th - September 1st --- born under the sign of the goose

August 5th - September 1st --- born under the sign of the goose


These people are very skilled in mathematical calculations and in scientific reasoning in general. They are very sociable people, they have no problem establishing a conversation with a stranger while remaining reserved and respectful. They have an innate wisdom towards the problems of life, and this makes them excellent friends and there are many people who turn to them for advice or their opinion.


2 September - 29 September --- born under the sign of the swan

2 September - 29 September --- born under the sign of the swan


People born under this sign are often indecisive and they continually find themselves at crossroads, without knowing which way to go. For this reason, they are also very insecure and look for confirmation of their decisions in other people. They have an extremely good soul and they are incapable of doing evil and therefore also very loving. They are very fond of their family, and for this reason, they often find it difficult to live separately.

30th September - 27th October --- born under the sign of the butterfly

30th September - 27th October --- born under the sign of the butterfly


These people can be compared to an ivy plant that climbs trees to reach the light of the sun. In the same way, those born under this sign are able to look deep within themselves and find a great strength in times of difficulty. They are extremely kind and polite people and they use gentle and refined speech. They also have a very developed mental strength, which makes them suitable for overcoming even the biggest obstacles.


October 28th to November 24th --- born under the sign of the wolf

October 28th to November 24th --- born under the sign of the wolf

These people are very curious, so much so that they can easily fall prey to gossiping about others. Another truth is that they like to interact with other people, even with strangers and they like to know about different paths of life, experiences, and personal opinions. They have a lot of trust in people and for this reason, they feel at ease within groups. They are very nice people, who can bring joy at any time.

November 25th - December 23rd --- born under the sign of the crow

November 25th - December 23rd --- born under the sign of the crow

Brian Gratwicke/Flickr

The main characteristic that distinguishes people born under this sign is wisdom. They always have an integral vision of situations, which allows them to reason in an objective way, without falling into a point of view that is too personal. These people are also protective of their own space, of their own things, and in some cases also of the people with whom they have an emotional bond.


