20 phenomenal photos that show all the creativity of Mother Nature

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 11, 2018

20 phenomenal photos that show all the creativity of Mother Nature

No one has ever questioned the capacities of Mother Nature, and the latter gives rise to never-ending and astonishing phenomena as if she wants to constantly impress us with her immense artistic qualities and her unparalleled strength.

It just takes a moment to look around on the Internet to discover an abundance of photos that depict real works of art made by nature!

In fact, here we take a look at 20 photos where images of phenomena, that to say the least, are surprising, have been captured and immortalized!

A transgressive tree.

A transgressive tree.

© holykash/Pikabu


Despite this duck's serene expression, a catastrophe seems imminent!

Despite this duck's serene expression, a catastrophe seems imminent!

© epicmoe/Reddit

A linear snowfall?

A linear snowfall?

© Elementalillness/Reddit

A completely frozen alpine waterfall.

A completely frozen alpine waterfall.

© Palpat1ne/Pikabu

Sharing the same space and time --- a rainbow under the sun and one under the rain!

Sharing the same space and time --- a rainbow under the sun and one under the rain!

© zacharyem/Reddit


A carpet of apples in an orchard after the passage of the Ophelia tornado in Ireland.

A carpet of apples in an orchard after the passage of the Ophelia tornado in Ireland.

© KRua/Pikabu

An enormous Cumulus Nimbus cloud dumping a ton of rain on a town near Vienna (Austria)!

An enormous Cumulus Nimbus cloud dumping a ton of rain on a town near Vienna (Austria)!

© Mymbaka/Pikabu


That's why it is called a "mantle of grass"!

That's why it is called a "mantle of grass"!

© thisisnotmyfault/Imgur

A firefly in action.

A firefly in action.

© Mymbaka/Pikabu


A very heavy snowfall blocked and imprinted itself on the front door of a house located at No.100 on this street!

A very heavy snowfall blocked and imprinted itself on the front door of a house located at No.100 on this street!

© Xingua92/Reddit

A cherry heart found in a tree trunk!

A cherry heart found in a tree trunk!

© gnom22/Pikabu


Tiramisu dessert? No, snow footprints in the desert sand.

Tiramisu dessert? No, snow footprints in the desert sand.

© Ground55/Pikabu

A houseboat that can defy all floods.

A houseboat that can defy all floods.

© Palpat1ne/Pikabu


Very scary tornado-shaped clouds

Very scary tornado-shaped clouds

© Hellholder/Reddit

Trees on the ground that give the scenario a two-dimensional effect.

Trees on the ground that give the scenario a two-dimensional effect.

© Enfantterrrible/Pikabu


A 180° rainbow seems to form a protective shield over this neighborhood block!

A 180° rainbow seems to form a protective shield over this neighborhood block!

© khemfrov/Pikabu

Russian banks closed due to heavy snow.

Russian banks closed due to heavy snow.

© Zega/Pikabu

A natural Van Gogh.

A natural Van Gogh.

© ericb303/Reddit

This office is leaking water everywhere like a sieve!

This office is leaking water everywhere like a sieve!

© age104/Reddit

A sky with a face that seems slightly embarrassed due to the tornado that has just passed.

Un post condiviso da J📸 (@filtersfordayz_) in data:

