7 amazing psychology tricks that can come in handy in everyday life

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 01, 2018

7 amazing psychology tricks that can come in handy in everyday life

If it is true that the brain is a very complex organ, it is also true that there are patterns of behavior that can be detected, studied and are therefore controllable.

Some of these (such as the tendency to imitate yawning) are a legacy of our "animalistic" past, others we have developed with the evolution of language and social interaction. 

We have collected for you, seven very interesting tricks with which you can "fool" your own brain or others. Experiment them and tell us how about the results!

1. Focus on imitating

1. Focus on imitating

kabaldesch0/ Pixabay

If you are talking to someone and you want them to have a positive impression of you, simply try to imitate some of their behaviors. Whether it is a recurring word, a gesture or an expression of the face (obviously without exaggerating), it will help your interlocutor to feel at ease and to recognize him or herself positively in you.


2. Repeat a keyword

2. Repeat a keyword

Penguizilla/ Wikimedia

Since communication is based above all on words, if you want to get across a certain concept during a presentation try to identify the word that best conveys it and then repeat it several times (also here, avoid exaggerating). Your audience will tend to remember it easily and, if you are particularly convincing, they will also begin to use it.

3. Aim for parents

3. Aim for parents

Free-Photos/ Pixabay

If you are talking to a person and you realize that your words may not be very credible (perhaps due to lack of sufficient details), try to rely on the authority of your parents. Since parents are perceived unconsciously as authoritative, it will suffice to say that some news or information was given to you by your father or mother to make it automatically more credible.

4. Psychology applied to the game

4. Psychology applied to the game

OpenClipart-Vectors/ Pixabay

If you are playing the "stone, scissors, and paper" game, but luck does not want to help you, try applying psychology. If you know your opponent, ask them one or more questions that you know are delicate or embarrassing and unconsciously they will be led to choose the scissors because they will feel the need to use them as a weapon of defense.

5. The broccoli technique

5. The broccoli technique

slon_dot_pics/ Pexels

It is a stratagem very appreciated by parents but applicable in many different areas of life. If you tell a child that he or she will have to eat broccoli (or any other food notoriously unpleasant to most children), they will probably tell you no. But if you present it in the form of a choice, for instance: "You can eat two or five", you will probably be able to get them to eat two (which was your intent from the very beginning).


The yawning trick

The yawning trick

mattysimpson/ Pixabay

Do you have the impression that someone is watching you? Try to yawn. If someone has actually been keeping an eye on you, then they will absolutely not be able to resist yawning too!

7. Remove a song or jingle from your head

7. Remove a song or jingle from your head


It has happened to everyone to have watched a TV commercial by chance and then to find themselves singing the hateful advertising jingle for an entire afternoon. How to stop the diabolical loop? Try to sing the whole advertising jingle song or concentrate on its final part. This will probably make the brain consider the loop concluded and it will store the advertising jingle for use in the future.
