A man sees a desperate skunk in the road!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 11, 2016

A man sees a desperate skunk in the road!

The smell of a barbecue in the area was probably what drew this unfortunate skunk towards what it thought was going to be a delicious meal, but instead, it turned into an ugly misadventure. 

Perhaps, the Cola can had been modified to hold fat drippings or lard and most likely the skunk had been licking the contents at the bottom of the can and unfortunately got its head stuck in the Cola can!

Luckily, there is a happy ending to this story because a compassionate man spotted the skunk wandering aimlessly on a road with no idea where it was going or how to free itself! Fortunately, this man was, with a little patience and effort able to free the skunk.
