Homemade Mexican fried ice cream -- a dream come true!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 15, 2017

Homemade Mexican fried ice cream -- a dream come true!

As we know, frying makes just about any food taste more delicious and ice cream is no exception!

If you think preparing it at home is difficult --- think again! The Mexican version that we propose in this video is easier and much more genuine than what you would eat in a restaurant.

Proceed by putting some scoops of ice cream in the freezer for three hours. Meanwhile, prepare the dough you will use to wrap the ice cream scoops, by using a rolling pin to flatten out slices of sandwich bread.

Next, wrap the scoops of ice cream in the flattened sandwich bread shaping them into balls and then freeze them for another three hours. Now you are ready to fry them!

Before serving, do not forget to sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon! Now, your fried ice cream delight is ready to be eaten!
