Woman decides to give birth at the seaside: many criticize her for her choice (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

September 04, 2023

Woman decides to give birth at the seaside: many criticize her for her choice (+ VIDEO)

For those who decide to start a family, one of the most exciting moments is certainly the birth of their child. A woman carries a life in her womb for 9 months, nourishes it, protects it and finally brings it into the world. It is therefore not surprising that a strong emotional bond is created between a mother and her offspring.

Pregnancy is a very special time and reaches its climax with labor. Giving birth is undoubtedly a wonderful act, but it could present some complications: we normally have to be supported by professionals. But the woman in this story decided to do the opposite and she had her own reasons for doing this. Let's discover together what her story is:

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Woman decides to give birth at the seaside: many criticize her for her choice (+ VIDEO) - 1

María Luna Doula is the woman at the heart of this incredible story: she went against "the system" and decided to follow her heart and her faith. She is strongly Christian and she wanted to entrust herself completely to God when she gave birth.

Her wish wasto give birth to her daughter in the sea: a completely natural birth in salty waters. Her husband supported her in this (along with another friend).

This is what Marìa said: "God allowed my labor to begin at dawn to give us the beach to ourselves so I could give birth in private. When I entered the water I stayed there. I was there for more than two hours, breathing and focusing on God. It was wonderful for me to have my husband by my side, praying for our family." But many were appalled by this woman's actions ...


Even though the birthing went well, many people have levelled harsh criticisms against Maria: "I think it's bad publicity: I would never encourage someone to give birth at sea, it's really irresponsible," one person wrote. “All very romantic, but in the face of any complications, who will provide quick assistance?!” stated another user.

"As a mother, I can can appreciate this video, but as a doctor, I think avoiding any unnecessary risks to both the baby and the mother is the more responsible route. Currently, we can guarantee a much safer birth in a hospital", said one person who is supposedly a doctor.

But Maria responded to the criticism by saying that she does not want to encourage others to do what she did: "I'm not saying that everyone should give birth at sea. Just do what you think is right. Whether it's at your home, the maternity ward, or birthing centers, the most important thing is that you make the decision: this is all that matters."

What do you think of this story? Do you agree with Maria's choice?
