The daily routine of a mother with 9 children: "I educate them at home and every week I buy dozens of packs of biscuits, juice bottles and boxes of cereals"

by Mark Bennett

May 12, 2022


Being a parent is not at all easy, especially since you usually have to organize everyday life carefully and responsibly: taking care of your children is a demanding task in which mum and dad invest almost all their energy. Jamerrill Stewart, an American mom, has not one, but nine children to look after, all at different ages. It is a challenge from several points of view and it is no coincidence that it has become a reference point for many other mothers who seem to be unable to make it to the end of the day in one piece, so to speak. How does Jamerrill, who looks after her children full-time, do everything, even educating the children at home ("home schooling"), and still find time to post interesting content on Instagram? Let's see how she does this together:

via Instagram / jamerrillstewart

Jamerrill Stewart is a hardworking mom trying to use all her energy and tricks to be an efficient full-time mom - and she regularly shares her experiences and knowledge with her Instagram followers. She has 9 children, so she knows what it means to divide her days between shopping, cleaning the house, providing for the education of the children, making sure everyone is washed, has clean clothes, eats, etc ... in short, 24 hours pass in hurry for this mom and it can be very tiring! One of the most curious aspects, for which her followers wanted answers from Jamerrill, concerns the education program that she herself gives to her children. In America, the practice of homeschooling is not rare (especially amongst traditionally conservative, religious communities), while in other countries, home schooling began only with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Jamerrill answered questions about her home education program in a video: "For my family, it depends on the day. This is our 17th year of homeschooling, so I've learned a lot and have some experience in how to do it and how to be flexibile. There are days when we start at 10:00am in the morning and it works very well for us. We have several pets at home and we have a lot of housework to do." Clearly, not all days are treated the same and unexpected events are always just around the corner when dealing with so many children, but Jamerrill has managed to keep going for 17 years: "If we have things to do in the morning - guess what? We start studying in the afternoon. And thanks to the freedom and flexibility we have, we can definitely have days where, for example, we might not even start before 1pm or 2pm or even as late as 3pm. But we can continue until the evening and even do some school at night ... that's fine ". Another big issue on which her followers have not given up asking questions is that of shopping: what does Jamerrill buy for her large family?

The videos showing her massive amount of shopping leave little room for the imagination: it starts with about 80 bags of biscuits (in snack size), costing $ 2 in total. "They'll be gone very soon," the woman commented ironically. After that, her shopping also includes eight huge bottles of fruit juice, of which only two are sufficient for a couple of days. These bottles are, however, to be added to eight other large bottles of apple juice and another 45 of Tropicana. Another food she stocks up on is grains - which includes a huge supply of nutritious nut and grain bars. And this, of course, is only a "small" part of her weekly shopping. To find out more, just follow her adventures on her Instagram channel.

What can we say? Congratulations to this mother who is totally dedicated to her family!
