Clean your nails with a toothbrush and toothpaste?!? YES! - the result is BRILLIANT!

by Robert Maggi

January 26, 2016

Clean your nails with a toothbrush and toothpaste?!? YES! - the result is BRILLIANT!

Our houses are full of objects; the space is never enough! The reason is because we are unaware of the many different and practical uses that some products can have! Thus due to ignorance - for every real or imagined need - we buy a different and usually, expensive product! But this is really not necessary!

For example, in almost all cases, toothpaste is kept in the bathroom and is used only for brushing your teeth. But its uses are certainly not finished there! In this video, we discuss SEVEN different ways to use a toothbrush and a little bit of toothpaste! You will get excellent results without the unnecessary purchase of other products. So, stop wasting hard-earned money! :)
