11 signs that indicate that you are with a good man aka the Right One! 👍

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 19, 2018

11 signs that indicate that you are with a good man aka the Right One! 👍

It is known that love, like luck, is blind, but sometimes it would be better to be able to see better, in order not to make the most obvious errors.

In order not to be forced once again to console a friend with a broken heart, or to be the one looking for a shoulder to cry on while suffering from your own love pains, it would be useful to have a manual that warns women about the men to avoid and that encourages them to look for more suitable partners.

Although, in order to truly love one must be willing to take a chance, nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the risks, keeping in mind these eleven characteristic signs of a "good" man.

via independent.co.uk

loving couple/public domain

loving couple/public domain

1. He makes you feel beautiful inside and out: A good man knows how to make his own woman feel beautiful, in every sense, and for him indispensable. 

2. He is a source of inspiration: A good man will always have a strong character that can push you to be a better woman. 

3. Most of the time he is supportive: A good man understands the importance of remaining supportive and accommodating and knows how to offer support and refuge when the situation demands it.



4. He always tries to improve: A good man is not arrogant. In fact, even when he is aware of being intelligent, he nevertheless always tries to improve himself. 

5. He makes you feel safe and protected. It is the duty of a man to put you at ease and to make you feel safe! And a good man will always defend his woman. 

6. He knows that the "little things" are important. He opens the door for you, offers you a chair, helps with the housework, etc. These are all typical actions of a good man. 

7. He is honest and open. A good man especially does not lie to, cheat on or steal from, the person he loves the most in the world!



8. It is never offensive to you. A good man is never offensive to his partner, nor does he instigate violence; instead he resorts to reason and comprehension to resolve conflicts. 

9. He supports you wholeheartedly. Under no circumstances does a good man neglect you, even in the most difficult situations. 

10. He makes an effort to earn and maintain your trust. A good man knows that trust must be earned and never taken for granted. 

11. He puts you first in every situation. In most cases, a good man is selfless and puts his woman first.
