He drills holes in a block of ice --- His creation is magnificent!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 03, 2016

He drills holes in a block of ice --- His creation is magnificent!

Thinking about art, the first thing that comes to mind are all the works of art that are centuries old that we can still see and admire. There are, however, other forms of art whose fascinating aspect is just the opposite -- their fragility, their fleeting existence, and temporary reality. 

Without a doubt, among these types of temporary art forms is ice sculpture which uses blocks of ice to create sculptures. Due to the inherent nature of the sculpture material itself the duration of these masterpieces is short.

In any case, in this video, we see how a beautiful flower comes to life with simple yet skillful gestures . . . It is such a shame that in a little while it will melt!
