She saved these monkeys 18 years ago --- Now this is what happens when they meet again . . .

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 01, 2016

She saved these monkeys 18 years ago --- Now this is what happens when they meet again . . .

Linda Koebner was only 23 years old when she first opened the cages of three chimpanzees, who had lived from birth in a scientific research laboratory without ever having seen the light of the sun. These three monkeys were reintroduced into the wild thanks to Linda who personally took an interest in them for over 4 years after they had been freed from the research laboratory.

Now, after 18 years of separation, the day has come for Linda to see her old friends again! Although she knew that she would probably burst into tears, she did not expect the chimpanzees to react in the way that they did ...
