Combine fried potatoes and 30 eggs --- Result?--- One 26 lb. omelette!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 15, 2016

Combine fried potatoes and 30 eggs --- Result?--- One 26 lb. omelette!

What we call "tortilla" is actually a very thick potato omelette, commonly eaten as a traditional dish in Spain.

The recipe, just like a regular omelette, is incredibly simple. As a matter of fact, it is not the complexity of the recipe that strikes us in this video, it is the large quantities of ingredients!  

By combining 30 eggs with an embarrassing amount of potatoes, a cook in a kitchen in Cadiz, Spain is preparing a 26-pound (12 kg) tortilla aka Spanish omelette! The preparation process? Perfectly user-friendly, if it were not for the weight . . .
