24-year-old woman has sterilization surgery: "I'm very happy with my choice!"

by Mark Bennett

April 25, 2023

24-year-old woman has sterilization surgery: "I'm very happy with my choice!"

The decision to become a mother should always be a conscious and personal one. Bringing a child into the world is a blessing, but is also a great responsibility - which is why it is always best to make this decision based on your own needs and wants.

Freedom of choice regarding motherhood is a fundamental right that every woman should have. Not all women want to become mothers and this is completely fine too: Abbey Ramsay, a young 25-year-old influencer who recounted her experience, knows something about this.

via Dailystar

Instagram - @abbysworldsastage

Instagram - @abbysworldsastage

Abbey decided to have an operation that made her infertile (sterilized) as she has no interest in becoming a mother. Despite this being her personal choice, some users were disapproving.

Abbey posted a video that has got over 4 million views, in which there a box with the words "congratulations" on it. However, when Abbey is shown opening the box, instead of showing the usual ultrasound confirming a pregnancy, documents of the sterilization procedure are displayed: "Finally, after six years of trying, I have found a doctor willing to listen to me," said Abbey in the clip. "This message is for those who support my choice: I am very happy with my decision", Abbey added proudly.


Many users criticized Abbey for the way she announced her choice: "Why flaunt your sterilization op?" asked one user. Others have argued that bearing children is God's plan for women and this choice runs contrary to His will.

However, many other users have defended Abbey, stating that is solely her decision to make: "It's her body and her future: she deserves respect, like any other person who chooses to have children or not," wrote one woman. "I'm a mom and I want to congratulate you! I chose to have children, and you chose not to and you should be respected for this," commented another user.

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