Waiters turn away a homeless man who asked for a glass of water: a woman invites him to have lunch with her

by Mark Bennett

November 13, 2022

Waiters turn away a homeless man who asked for a glass of water: a woman invites him to have lunch with her

In almost all big cities of the world, the presence of homeless people is very evident and continues to underline how wealth gaps are increasing. Whether it is by choice or by bad luck, those who find themselves sleeping on the street should receive support from the more "fortunate". Unfortunately, however, many are wary of homeless people and prefer to turn away when they encounter them. The subject of this story, fortunately, does not belong to this category and did not miss out on an opportunity to show her support for a homeless man who had been kicked out of a restaurant just for asking for a glass of water.

via Godvine

Pexels / Timur Weber / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Timur Weber / Not the actual photo

Asking for a glass of water at a restaurant on a hot day can't be considered a crime, right? Despite this, a thirsty homeless man was turned away by staff at a Texas buffet restaurant for asking for one. The man just stood there, not knowing what to do next. The waiters had turned him away because he had no money to pay for a glass of water. A woman was horrified at this scene and decided to intervene to help the thirsty homeless man.

Esmene Bongais-Navarro, a Texan born in the Philippines, was used to working with the homeless and she decided to act. Esmene invited the thirsty man to come into the restaurant with her and to sit down to eat something with her.

Pexels / Timur Weber / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Timur Weber / Not the actual photo

The homeless man was thirsty and was hoping for just a glass of water; this woman, on the other hand, gave him much more: a complete meal which he devoured. Surely, the man will remember this lunch with Esmene for a long time. Also, the same waiters who had turned him away had to serve him like a regular customer - a little payback that the homeless man savoured as much as the delicious food he ate that day.

Esmene's gesture is undoubtedly one of great altruism, which warms the heart and which we hope will be an example for everyone: if you have the opportunity to help others, why not do it? We will all be better off in the long run.
