Woman wins the lottery but decides not to keep everything to herself: she shares her luck with 20 strangers

by Mark Bennett

September 09, 2022

Woman wins the lottery but decides not to keep everything to herself: she shares her luck with 20 strangers

Winning the lottery is the dream of many. What would you do if you won? Would you buy a new car, a house, a boat? Would you pay off any existing loans or debts? All these choices are understandable, especially if you do not have a lot of money already. Yet one woman has decided to make a difference.

A single mother from Kentucky, USA, hit a six-figure jackpot, and instead of keeping all the winnings to herself, she immediately shared her prize with 20 strangers. Here is her story:

via The Washington Post

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Crystal Dunn, 42, a single mother of three, played € 20 euros in an online lottery game for fun. A few seconds after placing the wager, a message appeared on her computer indicating that she had just won € 130,000 euros. After collecting the check, she quickly realized what she wanted to do with the money. She stopped by Meijer, a supermarket chain, and bought 20 gift cards of €100 euros each, for a total value of €2,000 euros.

With some help from the supermarket staff, Dunn began handing out gift cards to strangers who walked into the store to do their shopping. Many of them were taken aback by the kind gesture. "Some felt I wanted something in return," said Ms. Dunn. Others, however, embraced her for her generosity.

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Obviously Ms. Dunn plans to use a portion of the winnings for herself as well - to finance initiatives she was already working on, such as buying a car and paying bills. But she has never complained about her economic status. "I worked hard to get everything I have. This is a truly amazing and unexpected gift," she commented.

"When I won the money, in a way, I wished it would go to someone else, because for better or worse, I manage. I can take care of myself. I never expected this to happen. So I decided to take the opportunity to spread some kindness and share my luck".

A truly commendable gesture, don't you think?
