Man worked nonstop for 27 years and the company rewards him with a bag of pathetic trinkets: his daughter starts a fundraiser to help him

by Mark Bennett

July 08, 2022

Man worked nonstop for 27 years and the company rewards him with a bag of pathetic trinkets: his daughter starts a fundraiser to help him

Work is an essential tool for procuring the means of subsistence necessary for one's survival and the government, in fact, should encourage employment. It is also true, however, that one cannot only live to work and that, from time to time, it is also nice to get some well-deserved recognition. An employee of a well-known American fast-food chain worked for 27 years without ever skipping a shift or a day's work, but his company rewarded him with a bag of cheap gadgets. Many users were outraged to see this treatment and the man's daughter started a fundraiser to support her father after spending so much time working for the company. The fundraiser was an instant success, and more than $ 150,000 dollars has been donated to this point.

via TikTok / thekeep777

TikTok / thekeep777

TikTok / thekeep777

Seryna, the daughter of the man who in the video shows the contents of the envelope given him by Burger King, (the fast-food restaurant at which he has worked for the last 27 years), has decided to start a fundraiser to support his father. The young woman clearly explains the reason for launching the fundraiser. Here's what she said:

"He (my father) started working at Burger King (BK) as a single father, when he got custody of me and my older sister 27 years ago. Then, when our family grew up and he remarried, he continued to work at BK thanks to the extraordinary health insurance that was provided through the employer - mainly because it was a unionized workplace. He put all four of his daughters through high school and college, and with full health coverage. My dad continues to work at BK, because even though he looks young, he's well on his way to reaching retirement age and leaving would cost him his pension. In no way do we ask for or expect money, but if anyone wants to bless him with a donation, he would like to use the money to visit his grandchildren. "

TikTok / thekeep777

TikTok / thekeep777

After so many years of work, this loyal employee got a gift bag from his employer containing a pathetic array of goodies: including a single movie ticket and a bar of chocolate. To all, this gift did not seem quite up to par with the service that the employee has given to the company for so many years. A more worthy acknowledgment might have been a week's paid vacation to allow the man to visit his grandchildren.

At the moment, $ 170,550 dollars have been raised, including $ 5,000 dollars donated by David Spade, an American actor and comedian who evidently wanted to contribute to this worker's plight.

We hope that the man is able to end his days of work peacefully and to enjoy his "retirement"!
