Young child knocks on the school door and runs away leaving a cardboard box with a message: "Find a home for this puppy"

by Mark Bennett

June 01, 2022

Young child knocks on the school door and runs away leaving a cardboard box with a message: "Find a home for this puppy"

Dogs are not toys, although they are often given as gifts at Christmas or to children like they are fluffy toys; a dog is part of the family, has needs and needs a lot of love and attention. There are some children, much wiser than the adults around them, who realize on their own that they cannot provide properly for a puppy - especially if their family situation is not the best. The story of the little puppy, Snowflake, is about this type of situation.

One evening, a school caretaker found a cardboard box at the front entrance to the school containing a puppy that was only a few weeks old. On the box was a written note, clearly authored by a child.

Facebook / Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

Facebook / Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

The puppy was found in front of a school in Michigan, Detroit after the caretaker had heard a persistent knocking. When looking out the window, the man saw a child running away and immediately rushed towards the entrance to find out what was happening. It is there that the caretaker found a cardboard box with a handwritten message attached, presumably from the same child who had run off a few seconds earlier:

"Sorry, it didn't have a home and it was cold so we're going to give it to you. Please do let it go find a nice home. - Thank you."

Facebook / Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

Facebook / Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

Inside the box was a puppy which was only a few weeks old, a blanket, some toys and dog food. It was clear that the child, unable to take care of the animal properly, decided to leave it in the hands of more competent people, who could give the poor creature a better future. One could say that this was very wise and responsible behavior on the part of someone who was probably not even 10 years old.

The caretaker immediately contacted a teacher known for her passion for dogs, and she took the puppy in on a temporary basis. She and her son have renamed the puppy, Snowflake. Unfortunately, the woman could not keep the puppy for very long, so she immediately contacted the "Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue" association, to hand over the puppy to their care.

Facebook / Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

Facebook / Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

Initially, the puppy seemed not to want to leave her cardboard box, however she was eventually forced to when the volunteers began to care for her. Once all her treatments and health checks were completed, Snowflake was placed into foster care, but not yet put up for adoption: "We never know what the stories of these dogs are", explained the director of the association, Sumpter, "so, for safety (and other) reasons, we keep them in foster care waiting for someone who perhaps will come forward and say, 'Hey, that's my lost puppy. I didn't know what happened: s/he escaped from our yard.' And maybe the boy found the puppy and the only thing he could think of was to put it in a box and take it to the school. You never know."

We are sure that, with her cute looks, Snowflake will immediately find a loving family who will adopt her!
