Daughter buys back the classic car that her father had to sell 20 years earlier to pay for her studies (+VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

February 24, 2023

Daughter buys back the classic car that her father had to sell 20 years earlier to pay for her studies (+VIDEO)

We all have a passion, a hobby, or something that sets our hearts racing. And for young Randy Martin, that passion was for his 1936 Ford Sedan. Randy restored the vintage car and it became a touchstone during his youth. As he got older, however, Randy's responsibilities grew: he started a family and, at a certain point in his life, he had to sell his beloved vintage car in order to pay for his daughter's school fees. Over the next few years, Randy never stopped talking about the car, claiming that he would buy it back again someday. He certainly didn't expect that the day would actually come and that it would be a big surprise for him.

via Youtube / Stephanie Noel

Youtube / Stephanie Noel

Youtube / Stephanie Noel

It's not easy to part with something you love, but when one's priorities change and life presents us with new challenges, we have to adapt. Obviously, Randy loves his daughter, Stephanie, more than his car and, for this reason, he decided to sell it in order to pay for her studies. Stephanie never forgot what her father did for her and, as soon as she could, she returned the favor.

GoFund Me

GoFund Me

Stephanie knew her father wanted to buy back the Sedan, but he didn't know where it was. Stephanie didn't want to find a similar vintage car for her father: she wanted to find the original he had had to sell 20 years ago! After a lot of research, Stephanie discovered that current owner of the Sedan lived in New Orleans. To be able to buy the car and make a few repairs, Stephanie created a fundraising page, which achieved its' goal: she secretly bought the car and brought it back to her father's home town.

When Stephanie finally revealed the surprise to her father, he was stunned. The scene was filmed by everyone present and clearly show how emotional Randy became. He had his white Sedan back again after more than 20 years!

Randy was moved to tears as his daughter handed him the keys to his beloved vintage car. Stephanie's plan had worked: she had been able to repay the man who had sacrificed so much for her. 
