Young man was cleaning car windows with his 6-year-old daughter; a man sees him and gives him a steady job

by Mark Bennett

March 25, 2022

Young man was cleaning car windows with his 6-year-old daughter; a man sees him and gives him a steady job

A parent would really do anything necessary for their family, especially when the economic situation at home does not allow them to lead a dignified life. Tightening one's belt often means making many sacrifices to make sure that your children lack for nothing, but it is not always that easy. And this is one fact of life that Mauro, a 22-year-old boy who is the father of a six-year-old girl and who has a wife, knows very well. To keep his family going, Mauro woke up early every morning and went to a nearby traffic light to clean the windows of the cars that had stopped, waiting for the green signal to go.

via La Repùblica

The most moving thing, besides the fact that this young father got up very early every morning to do this low paying job, was that he always took his six-year-old daughter with him. Overall, this was a decidedly desperate family situation that one day suddenly changed.  A man who often passed by the traffic light with his car took a photograph of Mauro and his daughter and posted it on Facebook: "I don't know what this little girl's name is, I just know that every day when I drive down this road, I see this young man standing there with his little girl at his side and who is busy studying while patiently waiting for her father to finish his work. This little girl deserves all the opportunities in the world in order to have a dignified and satisfying life in the future," wrote Alvaro Romero, captioning the photo of the father and daughter on social media networks.

Fortunately, a user named Agustìn recognized the young man in the picture and decided that he absolutely had to do something to try to help this family in difficulty: "I pass by that road every day because it is on the way for me to reach my job. And that's why I decided to help this young man and offer him a job at my construction company as an assistant bricklayer. In this way, he will have the security of a fixed salary at the end of the month and will be able to take better care of his entire family. "

Exponiendo Matamoros/Facebook

Exponiendo Matamoros/Facebook

Agustìn's wonderful gesture of generosity made a real difference in the life of Mauro and his family. Now the 22-year-old young man has a permanent job that has allowed him to be able to rent a safe apartment for himself and his family. He is confident now, that with Agustìn's very generous offer of help, there will be nothing lacking in their house and his 6-year-old daughter will be able to continue studying and dreaming of a future that, we are sure, will be good to this beautiful family.
