Say goodbye to winter cold: 6 tips to save on bills by avoiding turning your heating to the max

When winter arrives, it is important that our living areas are not impacted by the cold weather outside. Typically, to exclude the cold from inside our homes, we resort to using air conditioners or turning the radiators on - habits that do not make for cheap monthly utilities bills. So how can we save on expenses during the winter, but at the same time, make our homes a little warmer and without turning our heating up to the maximum?
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Use rugs and carpets: although often overlooked, sometimes large rugs and carpets laid down in the most lived-in rooms of the house - such as the living room or bedroom - can create a feeling of greater warmth on cold days.
Use draft excluders: these small and often colored furnishing elements are a truly effective solution in preventing cold drafts from entering and circulating around the home through joins in the window frames, gaps at the bottom of doors or French windows. Using one or more draft excluders can really make a difference!
Seal your fireplace: if you haven't used it for a long time or you don't intend to use it anymore, you could seal up your fireplace to ensure that no heat escapes up the chimney. And if you don't want to seal it, you could always close it with insulating tape or panels.

Oregon Department of Transportation/Wikimedia
Wearing warmer clothes: if we really don't want to increase our heating to the maximum, we should always remember to wear an extra layer of clothing, or thermal garments. It is pointless and wasteful to wear light-weight clothes at home and then raise the temperature of the thermostat. A wooly winter sweater could certainly make a difference in this case!
Close unused rooms: if there are areas in your home that you hardly ever use, you may as well go ahead and close the doors to these areas to avoid wasting any extra heat.
Seal window frames where necessary: sealing foams, insulating tapes and similar products can be used to maintain the integrity of window frames which, over time, tend to crack, creating gaps through which cold draughts can enter directly into our home.
Have you ever tried any of these tips?