Woman sits on ground and refuses to leave a store after they asked her to put on a face mask

by Cylia Queen

July 10, 2020

Woman sits on ground and refuses to leave a store after they asked her to put on a face mask

Ever since the entire world has been overtaken by the Coronavirus pandemic, we're learning that the only way of protecting ourselves and others from the virus is making sacrifices. Populations across the world have made an attempt to stay home as much as possible, practicing social distancing when necessary, and wearing face masks in public. Although some sacrifices are harder than others, it will be worth it if it means stopping the virus in its tracks. 

Some people, however, don't seem to see the importance of making these sacrifices. Or perhaps they just don't understand the severity of the situation. Whatever the case is, we're about to share with you a situation that happened in the United States just days ago. A woman entered a Costco and, when asked by an employee to put on a mask, she dropped to the floor refusing to leave until they let her check out her items. 

via Daily Mail

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ONLY iN LVNV/Twitter

In the Coronavirus pandemic, we've about seen it all: from people being altruistic and neighborly to those being completely egotistical and hateful. Although we wish it'd be the opposite, the situation just seems to be getting worse and worse.

Our story takes place at a Costco in the United States, where an older woman threw a tantrum after being kindly told to put on her mask. The woman immediately dropped to the ground and began ranting about how she wasn't going to leave until they let her walk through the store without her mask.   

ONLY iN LVNV/Twitter

ONLY iN LVNV/Twitter

"I won't do it!" the woman cried out. She even began talking back to the people around her that were encouraging her to put on her mask, given how important it was in stopping the spread of the virus. She argued with everyong for a few minutes and proceeded to flop herself on the ground and yell out repeatedly "I'm American, I have rights!". 

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The woman's behavior not only caught the attention of Costco shoppers, but the entire internet. Most of the users commented on how selfish she was, especially considering her mask was already tied to the back of one of her ears. All she had to do was put her mask on the entire way while she was in the store and she would have spared herself from making such a scene. Unfortunately, some people never learn. We hope, for all our sakes, this woman will. 
