An old woman builds a "zoo" in her yard to make all the passersby smile

by Alison Forde

July 11, 2020

An old woman builds a "zoo" in her yard to make all the passersby smile

In times of medical emergency, many people thought it a good idea to take the opportunity to do good for others (and ultimately also for themselves) with kind and exemplary action. Despite the difficulties, and perhaps also the economic conditions made difficult by the situation in which the world has arrived in because of the Coronavirus, we can say that, alongside those who profited selfishly from the situation, there were also those who did something splendid.

Just like Nancy, the 86-year-old American woman protagonist of the story we are about to tell you who, like many other people, received US government aid because of the emergency. This generous old woman did not spend the money she received on herself, but decided to make a great little gift to anyone who passed in front of her house.

via WJAR10



Sometimes we may not realize it, but a smile given - or received - at the right time is really something that can to cheer us up in an incredible way. For sure, the times that the whole world has been living through with Covid-19 has not been good for the serenity of the people, and Nancy understood this very well. And so, she took the money she received and built a delightful "zoo" in her front yard.



You got it right: after opening an account with Amazon, this sweet old woman began to buy gorgeous reproductions and furry (almost) life size models of exotic animals, which many of us have probably only seen live in a zoo. Orangutans, lions, monkeys, birds of prey, zebras, penguins and many others: the yard overlooking the Nancy road quickly became a real attraction.



In the grayness and monotony of the city environment, this woman has managed to give an adorable touch of color and joy. Her "animals" are there, sitting, lying or standing looking at passers-by, who certainly don't miss the show. So much so that the initiative taken by the elderly lady soon made the headlines, crossing the borders of the United States.



 "I experienced the Second World War - Nancy told WJAR-TV - it was hard but not like what is happening now: people walk on the street and are sad, and for this reason I thought of spending the money from the subsidy on animals. I'm happy. "



Nancy, simply and with her big heart, is happy to make others happy and this, in itself, is a wonderful thing. Children and adults, when they pass in front of her house, take the opportunity to greet her, filling her heart with joy. After all, the sign posted in the yard reads clearly: "welcome to the zoo", in order to involve everyone in a nice environment to spend a few moments in joy and light-heartedness. For sure, something we all need.
